Sign up to the Blue Flag API
To make any request to the Blue Flag API, you must first sign-up for an account.
If you want to, you can now make test requests for free in our sandbox environment at any time. To do this, visit our guide on how to generate sandbox keys.
If you want to access pricing and live API data, you must verify your email and submit a full application form. To do this, visit our guide on how to submit an application. Pricing will then be instantly displayed upon submission.
Please note: Only company email addresses will be shown pricing, free domain email addresses will not be shown the pricing.
We will verify your company ABN details and when approved you will receive a confirmation email. You will now be able to add funds to your account, create live API keys and make requests to the live API.
Please note: Your keys and tokens will only display once in the developer portal . It is important that you store these as soon as you generate them.